Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year to the most wonderful group of fourth graders! As we prepare to begin 2012 together in our classroom, I wanted to take a minute tell you all how fortunate I feel to have such a GREAT group of young people and families to work with in this new year. I have been so impressed with your reading, writing, and math abilities, and I been delighted with your creativity and eagerness to learn during our first semester together. I have enjoyed watching you get excited about your learning and taking part in your enthusiasm during fun activities like our author's chair and our Thanksgiving play. What a talented bunch of you people you all are!!! I am looking forward to a productive, fun, and energetic new year. I can't wait to see you all very soon!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hello, and welcome to my classroom! My name is April Bond, and I am so pleased to be your child’s teacher this school year. This will be my 14th year teaching here in Goddard. Wow! Where has the time gone? I am committed to working closely with your family to make this year a success for everyone!

I am originally from Holcomb, Kansas. I earned my teaching degree from Fort Hays State University in 1998 and a master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from WSU in 2002. I am the proud mother of 3 boys. Michael is a fourth grader and Bradley is a 1st grader here at Earhart, and Treyson is 3. My wonderful husband, Adrian, is also a teacher in Wichita.

I feel very fortunate to teach here in Goddard with such involved and caring families, and I look forward to doing my very best to help your child have a happy, healthy, and productive 4th grade experience!